Learn About Marketing: Build Buzz
Learn About Marketing: Buzz Builder
Identify influencers online and offline (reviewers, experts, bloggers, online groups) related to the book’s topic and/or genre to gather social media content and to promote the book.
Plan and organize a campaign to recruit influencers: reviewers, experts, bloggers, online groups, to distribute social media content and to promote your book.
Per month
Manage author’s social media accounts. Create and publish four Twitter tweets daily and one Facebook post daily.
Per month
Manage author’s social media accounts. Create and publish five Twitter tweets and two Facebook posts weekly.
Post to forum to introduce your book to leading Amazon reviewers and solicit their reviews.
Outreach to influencers to solicit positive reviews, book blurbs, and social media buzz. Modify book cover with Advance Review Copy label. Order ARC copies. Write pitch letter for author to personalize. Author sends to targeted influencers.
Set up apps and forms to use in managing social media content across all platforms.