Family Histories
Family Histories, Biographies, and Memoirs
Certain books have a special place in our hearts. An illustrated book that tells us a story, shows us interesting, unique images, and that is about real people―people we may know, or be related to―these are precious, emotionally powerful, and historically important books.
At Stories To Tell, we are proud to specialize in creating these special books. Our first book, back in 1998, was our own family history! Since then, we have become leading experts in this field. We've written hundreds of articles to guide family history and memoir writers through the process, and also written a book that gives an overview of the process and guides you through getting started and organizing your family history book or memoir.
These books are uniquely challenging for authors, editors, and designers. There is no "template" to follow, since each book is based on research and unique stories. An editor can suggest many ways to tell the story well. These books are also likely to be illustrated, and the layout is truly an art form! Your editor and designer can help you with organizing these materials and preparing them for their placement in the book.
- stories
- family trees
- descendent charts
- photographs
- documents
- letters
- newspaper clips
- recipes
- sources
- endnotes/footnotes
- index
You are welcome to browse our gallery below for ideas to inspire your book project. *These are copyrighted works and some are privately published (not for sale.) Thanks to the authors for sharing these insights; please do not copy. Visit our BOOKSTORE to buy publicly available family histories.
Click on the book cover to view a slideshow of some thoughtfully designed and illustrated pages.
“I also said a couple of times [to the genealogy society] that YOU as the editor made it all the difference of it being great! The way you worked on the photos, documents, and the cover was superb! Thank you so much for everything you did.”