Self-Publishing a Book: Forbes Says Get an Editor and a Book Designer
Biff Barnes has some valuable business advice for authors who want to self-publish their books: Get professional help.
Courtesy of Charles LeBlanc under Creative Commons
Many self-publishing authors see the process as a DIY proposition. But Forbes reports that “authors who did their own editing and cover design made only 38% of the average” amount earned by self-published books.
Authors who got help with editing, copy editing and proof reading saw their earnings increase 13%. Authors who hired professional book designers as well as editors saw their books earn 34% more than the average for a self-published book.
A particularly good piece of news for cost conscious authors is that more than 2/3 of those who spent money on help producing their book recouped their cost within the first 12 months.
It should go without saying that an author’s first responsibility is to have a well-written manuscript before beginning the self-publishing process, but authors with even the best of manuscripts can produce a better book with the help of professional editors and book designers. An investment in producing a professional looking book will pay off handsomely when readers see it and spread the words about it to their friends.